BBC News

2008年5月15日 星期四

Sick Around The World



        在PBS這個專題中,從大選中一些候選人的健保想法中,提到美國應該有自己的健保制度,於是主持人就出發到全世界各地去尋找題材,一共找了五個國家: 英國、日本、德國、台灣、瑞士。從這五個國家的制度當中,希望找出最適合美國的方法。

       在對健保沒有一點概念之前,談一些專有名詞好像很難懂,不過我的老師上學期講了一個很好的例子來說明健保:她念公衛之前是念經濟學的,在公衛學院,每個人都開口閉口講2*2 表格(2 by 2 table),所以為了配合公衛學院的風格,她就用 2*2 表格(2 by 2 table)來表示健保制度。

    Public (公營) Private(民營)
健保服務 Public (公營) UK(英國) ?
提供者 Private(民營) Canada(加拿大) USA(美國)




這就是健保服務的3P關係,中間全部靠錢在運轉,如果沒有健保,就只有兩個人玩,最上面兩個人,加上了第三者(在專業術語叫做3rd party),就把這個關係拉開了,變成三個人一起玩。





依照OECD(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)的報告和健保局所提供的各國保險制度比較,世界各國的健保制度大概可以須分為以下幾種方式:


本報告比較的國家主要為經濟合作暨開發組織(Organization For Economic Co-operation And Developnment)的二十四個家,各國家依不同分類模式說明如下:


1.國民保健服務模型(NHS,The National Health Service Model):


2.社會保險模型(NHI,The Social Insurance Model):


3.私人保險模型(The Private Insurance Model):



日本image 德國image 台灣
醫療支出佔GDP比例 8.3% 8% 10.7% 6.3% 11.6% 15%
每戶負擔 0
部分負擔 大部分都不用付錢,少數如牙科或眼鏡需要付5%左右。
30%,一個月所要支付的總額則由薪資決定。 10歐元(15美元)/3個月
10%一年最高自負額是美金420 依照疾病及各保險公司及購買保險的不同而不同
制度 英國是有名的公醫制度,政府提供和負擔醫療保險的服務,英國人用交稅的方式來付保險,政府成立National Health Service(NHS)負擔資新和醫療服務。醫院和醫生(General Practitioners-GPs)都是政府付薪水,一般大概是依照看診的數目決定,有一部分的專科醫師不在NHS服務範圍,獨立執業,病人要額外自己付錢。 健保保費由受雇單位購買或自行向社區內的非營利保險體購買,大多數的保險單位都是民營的,醫師和醫院大多數都也是民營的 起步很早,由俾斯麥時代就開始有健保制度,跟日本類似,由許多非營利性的保險體(sickness fund)提供保險服務,和日本不同的是-民眾可以自由決定要跟誰買(全國約有200多家),無法負擔的由政府補助。 只有一家國營的保險體,民眾由工作單位加保(和雇主一起負擔),一部分由政府負擔,榮民及特殊族群由政府全額補助,制度上和加拿大十分類似。 1994年經過公民投票通過,和德國和日本的制度類似,當公投通過的時候,全國已經有95%的民眾有健保,民眾都要有保險體,沒有的由政府指定,無法負擔費用的由政府負擔。 完全私人保險制度,貧戶和老人有政府提供的健保,其他必須由雇主幫忙購買健保或自行加保。
如何運作 因為是由稅收支付,所以行政費用並不高,也不用帳單,民眾有家庭醫師,家庭醫師同時也作為守門員(Gate keeper)
日本是有名的高健康指數國家,當然部分和他們的生活型態和飲食有關,健保制度方面沒有守門員制度,民眾可以自由選擇就醫場所和專科醫師,每隔兩年政府會讓保險體和醫療機構協商給付標準,這種方式確保醫療品質和價格合理。 雖然保險體是民營的但是是非營利的,不能拒絕受理保險(不管被保險人有任何疾病),和日本一樣,政府也會介入保險體和醫療機構和醫師間給付的協調,保險體也會和醫師們協調給付的標準,沒有強制性的守門員制度,民眾也可以直接去專科醫師看診,不過要付比較高的部分負擔 全民健保是由太概只有40%加入醫療保險的狀況開始的,一開始的確有效的降低醫療支出的增加,沒有守門員制度,民眾可以自由看診,另外有IC卡儲存就醫資料,由於採用資訊制度加上政府是唯一的保險體,台灣花費在行政費用的金額是最低的 瑞士經驗顯示即是是資本主義市場,有有權勢的保險公司和藥廠,保險公司不得在基本的健康保險部分獲利也不得挑選健康和年輕的被保險人,但是額外的保險是可以獲利的,和德國一樣,保險公司和醫療機構協商醫療費用,但是藥價是由政府所控制的。 完全市場機制,雖然有HMO等機制調節醫療支出,總體來說是全球價格最高。
潛在問題 社會保險健保制度的原型,等待時間長、選擇性不多,目前,英國政府正在改革希望服務能夠多樣化並且醫院間有競爭,這項新的改革從2008年四月開始,部分服務讓民眾可以自由選擇。 由於醫療服務價錢控制得很低,目前日本在醫療花費上的開銷並不是很高,許多醫院營運狀況並不佳,因為沒有守門員制度,所以並不知道一年日本人使用多少醫療服務,因為沒有家庭醫師制度,所以沒有固定看診醫師。 單一給付制度讓德國的醫師覺得給付過低(和美國相比是美國的1/3,但是德國的醫療訴訟費用也比美國低而且醫學院是不用付學費的)。德國讓最有錢的10%可以自由選擇跟美國類似的制度,自由選擇營利型的保險公司和服務(縮短等待時間) 和日本一樣,醫療支出超過醫療服務,由於國會議員(擔心會失去選票)並不同意健保漲價,目前健保局以借貸方式支付醫療支出 是全球第二貴的醫療服務區,但仍然比全球最貴的美國便宜許多,但是藥價比歐洲略高,許多獲利都必須來自於美國市場(大概佔了1/3的獲利),沒有守門員制度,不過有一些保險公司提供折扣給這樣的服務。 獲利型的保險服務和高獲利的藥商。50%的人沒有參加健保,許多人因醫療帳單而破產






1. Sick Around the World-PBS

選取" Watch Online" 可以線上觀賞

2. 健保制度比較

3. A 10-Year Experience with Universal Health Insurance in Taiwan: Measuring Changes in Health and Health Disparity (Annals of Internal Medicine)

4. Measuring Changes in Health and Health Disparity Learning from Taiwan: Experience with Universal Health Insurance (Annals of Internal Medicine)

5. 上述兩篇文章的中文摘要

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2008年5月8日 星期四

Leprosy-A Disease Going to Be Eliminated?


           Leprosy is one of the oldest diseases in the world. It is also one of the infectious diseases that the WHO actively works to eliminate. Currently, leprosy cases are decreasing at an average rate of 20% per year. Most common clinical manifestations of leprosy, resulting in organ dysfunction and influencing patients’ daily life, are skin, mucosa, and nervous system lesion. For eliminating leprosy, the best policies are finding cases, treating them, making leprosy diagnosis and treatment available, launching the international cooperation, designing national decentralized campaigns, and decreasing the disability and stigma. With continuing efforts and collaborative activities, leprosy will soon be eliminated.


Leprosy, also called Hansen's disease, is one of the most important neglected tropical infectious diseases in the world. For a long time, leprosy has been regarded as a disease related to poverty and poor public health. Most of the leprosy cases now are in countries with relative low income and poor public health conditions. According to the WHO’s report, the estimated cases in 2007 was 224,717; cases are decreasing at an average rate of about 20% per year. The main strategy to control leprosy now is disease elimination, and it has achieved great successes; however, there are a lot of challenges.

Leprosy, caused by the bacteria, Mycobacterium leproae, is a chronic infectious disease with long incubation period to develop the disease. Like other famous mycobacterium species, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, host immunity plays an important role in the disease progress and clinical presentations. The role of cellular immunity decides the severity of clinical manifestation.


Most common clinical manifestations of leprosy, resulting in organ dysfunction and influencing patients’ daily life, are skin, mucosa, and nervous system lesions. Before the cause and transmission of the disease were well understood, patients with Hansen's disease were isolated and abandoned from the society. In Taiwan, leprosy, regarded as a shameful disease, was eliminated for more than 50 years. Patients with leprosy were forced to be isolated from the society and lived in a special community. These people were despised, and their human rights were abolished at that time. Though the disease is not regarded as a stigma anymore, these patients freely came back to the society. People are still afraid that leprosy people will hurt them. For memorizing this dark history, the Taiwanese try to preserve their community as a memorial museum to teach about the newer generation the disease and how a wrong attitude influence these peoples’ lives.

Different host cellular immunity levels have different clinical manifestations. According to the activity of T cells, clinical manifestations in leprosy are divided into five (5-category Ridley-Jopling system): tuberculoid (TT), lepromatous (LL), borderline tuberculoid (BT), midborderline (BB), and borderline lepromatous (BL). The weaker the cellular response to Mycobacterium leprosy is, the more possible the disease presents as the lepromatous type. The stronger the cellular response to Mycobacterium leprosy is, the more possible the disease presents as the tuberculoid type. Borderline types are between them. Another classification for leprosy is based on the amount of bacteria: paucibacillary and multibacillary. The definition is easy to apply; therefore, it is popular in a lot of places.


Schematic representation of the clinical and immunological spectrum of leprosy. CMI, cell-mediated immunity; ENL, erythema nodosum leprosum; TT, tuberculoid leprosy; BT, borderline tuberculoid leprosy; BB, mid-borderline leprosy; BL, borderline lepromatous leprosy; LL, lepromatous leprosy.





left: tuberculoid leprosy middle:borderline tuberculoid leprosy right:lepromatous leprosy

Clinical Manifestations

The most vulnerable tissues or organs for leprosy are skin, mucosa and peripheral nerves. Leprosy is commonly presented as skin lesions, numbness and loss of sensation. Because the peripheral nerves are involved, patients who lost the sensation are unaware of skin damage, resulting in ulceration and muscle dystrophy and dysfunction.

Skin lesions

Early skin lesions start from hypopigmented skin colors. Initially, histocytes are infiltrated into the lesion, and then chronic inflammation progresses and results in granuloma changes. Different host immune responses have different skin presentations.

Tuberculoid type skin lesions usually have few lesions. Well-defined macular or papular lesions with hypopigmented color changes are the main characteristic of the disease. Tuberculoid type skin lesions usually have granulomas surrounding neurovascular elements but with few acid-fast positive bacilli.

Lepromatous type usually presents with nodular lesions. If skin lesions are untreated, the lesions thicken and present as “leonine facies”. Not like the tuberculoid type skin lesions, a lot of acid-fast positive bacilli are noted under microscope.

Nerve lesions

Mycobacterium leprosy affects sensory, motor, and autonomic function of peripheral nerves. Sensory loss is the earliest stage; with the disease progress, more nerves are involved. The most commonly involved nerves are posterior tibital nerve, ulnar, median, lateral politeal, and facial nerves. The nerve damage varies from reduced sensation, loss of sweating, a glove and stocking hypohidrosis to complete nerve loss. Nerves are damaged and dysfunction because of the granulomatous infiltrations. Patients with damaged sensory nerves are vulnerable to the trauma and secondary infections. Like diabetes patients, these people are not aware of dangers around them. However, motor and autonomic nerve damage leads to muscle dystrophy and organ dysfunction, which have great impacts on patients’ daily lives.

Ocular lesions

Blindness is one of the most severe consequences of leprosy. Bacteria either directly infiltrate into the ocular structures or damage the nerve by causing chronic inflammation; with the disease progress, blindness caused by leprosy results in huge disabilities and social economic impacts.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The diagnosis of leprosy needs both clinical suspensions and laboratory diagnosis. Treatments of leprosy need multiple drug therapy (MDT). In WHO regimens, for paucibacillary lesions: Rifampicin 600 mg or Dapsone 100 mg. These treatments need six month treatment course. For multibacillary, Rifampicin 600 mg + clofazimine 300 mg or Clofazimine 50 mg + dapsone 100 mg. These treatments need at least 12 months. Some severe cases need to extend to 24 months. Because the treatments are long, drug adherence and resistance are important issues.

Global Impacts

After a series of hard works, leprosy cases are decreasing. However, no matter cases with active leprosy or cases receiving treatment, disabilities resulted from leprosy have great social-economic impacts.

Leprosy epidemic countries usually are poor countries. These countries do not have good public health prospects for disease detection, prevention, management and rehabilitation. Infected cases are frequently not able to receive the most optimal treatment. Cases with lifelong effects of nerve damage and consequent disabilities are impossible to get rehabilitation and welfare support in these poor countries. Disabled cases and their families need to face stigmas, community rejection, loss of employment, which increase the economic burden of the society and trigger another vicious cycles.

Leprosy has great economic impacts. In the statistics of Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) of leprosy are 199 thousands (Male vs Female: 117 vs. 82). However, the cost of the disease elimination and prevention proves to be cost-effective. Global leprosy eliminating programs successfully decrease the active cases in a lot of leprosy endemic countries.



Treatment Projects

The most effective method for leprosy is treatment. A multidrug therapy (MDT) based on the combination of the antibiotics dapsone, rifampicin, and clofazimine was introduced in 1982 after dapsone-resistant strains appeared and spread. MDT proved highly efficacious in killing the bacteria. Some massive international efforts were launched to eradicate leprosy worldwide. In 1991, the World Health Assembly adopted the target of “elimination of leprosy as a public health problem by the year 2000” Elimination was defined as a reduction in the prevalence of patients with leprosy receiving antimicrobial therapy at a given time to less than 1 per 10,000 populations. This project had successfully cured 13 to 14 million people by MDT1, and full control of the disease (as assessed by prevalence rate) has been officially achieved in 112 of the 122 countries where leprosy was endemic in 1985.


The WHO then started a project2 “the final push to eliminate leprosy”. This final push for eliminating leprosy involves: Making leprosy diagnosis and treatment available, free of charge, at all health centers, particularly in endemic areas; enabling every health worker to diagnose and treat leprosy; dispelling the fear of leprosy, improving awareness of its early signs, and motivating people to seek treatment; ensuring all leprosy patients are cured. These projects successfully decrease leprosy cases in the world. During the past five years, the global number of new cases detected has continued to decrease dramatically, at an average rate of nearly 20% per year.

Through the international cooperation, WHO, World Bank, UNICEF and UNDP launched the TDR projects to eliminate leprosy. WHO also provided free MDT drugs to those endemic countries. In local levels, there are a lot of works needs to do.

National decentralized campaigns

Most of the cases now are in the rural or poor health infrastructures areas1, 3-5. Decreasing the cases in these areas needs to integrate the existing local health infrastructure, public health care workers. Sustaining political commitments are also important. Politicians need to enhance advocacy efforts to reduce the stigma and discrimination against persons and families affected by leprosy. Cases surveillance and registry systems also need to setup to evaluating and monitoring the efficiency of the projects.


Although the efficiency of BCG to prevent tuberculosis is controversial, the efficiency of BCG to prevent leprosy has been proved 6. BCG gives variable protective efficacy against leprosy in different countries, ranging from 34% to 80%. Therefore, in leprosy endemic countries, BCG vaccination for children can decrease the incidence of leprosy.

Contacting leprosy patients is a risk factor for the disease, and chemoprophylaxis of close contacts of leprosy patients can be an effective control strategy. In countries with rare cases or chemoprophylaxis are not eligible, health care workers should educate clinical signs of leprosy and advise to report any new skin lesions and contact history to their physicians. Early diagnosis and treatment are the best policies to decrease the disability.

Decrease the Disability

Besides early diagnosis and treatment, adequately protecting damaged nerve and skin tissues are important as well. Educating cases cautiously care their skin. Just as the care of diabetic foots, cases should be taught to wear adequate shoes or gloves when they expose dangerous environment. Any new wounds which are located in denerved regions should adequately clean and care6, 7. For eyes, using tear substitute and antibiotics ointments to protect dry cornea, wearing glasses, and covering with pads are methods to prevent further disability.

Decrease Stigmas

Decreasing stigmas for leprosy is the most difficult mission. However, the best method to decreasing the stigma is curing leprosy. People isolated leprosy cases from the society because they worried about they were infected by leprosy cases. If leprosy can be cured, the stigma vanishes. Public health practitioners, health care workers, and school teachers should teach communities concepts of leprosy transmission, clinical signs and symptoms, and outcome of the treatment. The more people understand the disease, the fewer stigmas will have. Politicians and public figures also should tell the public correct concepts and attitudes for leprosy2, 5, 6; government should legislate to protect these cases’ human right; employers and schools need to accept cured cases to work and study. Only active attitude can decrease the stigma.


With the international cooperation, leprosy cases decreased dramatically. With continuing efforts and collaborative activities, leprosy will be soon eliminated.



1. Rinaldi A. The global campaign to eliminate leprosy. PLoS Med 2005;2:e341.

2. WHO. Guide to Eliminate Leprosy as a Public Health Problem

Geneva; 2007.

3. WHO regional strategy for sustaining leprosy services and further reducing the burden of leprosy, 2006-2010. Indian J Lepr 2006;78:33-47.

4. WHO global strategy for further reducing the leprosy burden and sustaining leprosy control activities (Plan period: 2006-2010). Indian J Lepr 2006;78:7-31.

5. WHO. WHO Global Strategy Report 2006-2010. Geneva; 2007.

6. Britton WJ, Lockwood DN. Leprosy. Lancet 2004;363:1209-19.

7. Walker SL, Lockwood DN. Leprosy. Clin Dermatol 2007;25:165-72.


2008年5月4日 星期日



        著名的醫學期刊New England Journal of Medicine(NEJM)最近刊了一篇文章: Treatment of Hypertension in Patients 80 Years of Age or Older(八十歲以上的老年人高血壓治療),這篇文章中,研究團隊使用利尿劑 Indapamide (Natrilix) 和血管緊張素轉化酶抑製劑 (ACEI)perindopril (單獨使用或混合使用)和對照組(僅使用安慰劑)相比較,試驗的族群是80歲以上的老年人,持續血壓超過160 毫米汞柱,治療血壓目標是150/80毫米汞柱,追蹤時間大概兩年觀察實驗族群的血壓變化和是否有致命性的中風。


         這個臨床實驗看來好像沒什麼特別,降低血壓當然會將低相關的疾病危險性,為了找尋和老年相關的高血壓治療資料,首先先上實證醫學 的重鎮Cochrane Review 上面去找,結果找到了一篇Pharmacotherapy for hypertension in the elderly,是1997年做的整理,這篇文章的重點主要針對超過60歲以上的高血壓族群,從大量的醫學研究中作出整理,總共找了15個隨機對照(Randomized Controlled Trial)的臨床試驗、收集了21,908個病人做分析,分析指出乙型阻斷劑(beta blocker)和利尿劑(diuretics)有降血壓的效果,心血管疾病的併發症和死亡率、死亡率都有降低,沒有明顯的副作用被報告,不過這篇文章因為是很早期,當時藥物的選擇種類不多,經過了十年之後,現在對於降血壓藥物的選擇變多了,那我們可以用的選擇呢?

       Google果然告訴我們有人已經幫我們做了整理,一共有2篇比較重要的文章,第一篇是我們的鄰國日本作的:Guidelines for Treatment of Hypertension in the Elderly 、接著有Treatment guideline in the USA: hypertension in the elderly,美國的治療指引比較舊一點(1998),不過裡面提到可以使用的藥物就很多了,包括甲型阻斷劑(Alpha blocker)、乙型阻斷劑(beta blocker)、鈣離子阻斷劑(calcium channel blocker)、血管緊張素轉化酶抑製劑利尿劑(diuretics)等等,依照病人不同的需要給予不同的治療。


Age (yr) 60–69 70–79 80 and older
Systolic BP (mmHg) <140 <150 <160
Diastolic BP (mmHg) <90 <90 <90

其中還包括生活型態的調整: 飲食、運動、減重、戒菸等等,在藥物的選擇上面,就更多元了,各式各樣的藥物都可以使用,在文中的圖一和表九都有詳細敘述










1. Treatment of Hypertension in Patients 80 Years of Age or Older (NEJM)

2. Pharmacotherapy for hypertension in the elderly (Cochrane Review)

3. Guidelines for Treatment of Hypertension in the Elderly (Japan review, 2002) 必看!!!!

4. Treatment guideline in the USA: hypertension in the elderly (1998)




2008年5月1日 星期四

Screening for MRSA


        很久沒有寫和ID有關的文章了,不過今天看到BMJ本周的社論: Screening for MRSA,覺得這是一篇很棒的文章,一定要和大家好好分享,看看公共衛生的始祖--英國,怎麼來探討這個問題。


      從Wikipedia 開始,Wikipedia 華語板是這樣介紹MRSA的:

      抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus或Multiple-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,簡稱MRSA)是 金黃色葡萄球菌的一個獨特菌株,能抵抗所有青黴素,包括甲氧西林及其他抗β內醘胺酶的青黴素 MRSA首次發現於1961年英國,現時已廣泛散播,在醫院中牠更被稱為「超級細菌」。

     雖然MRSA傳統上被視為是從醫院感染(Hospital-associated MRSA,簡稱HA-MRSA),但現時在美國已有一種社區型的MRSA(Community-associated MRSA,簡稱CA-MRSA)






Impact of rapid screening tests on acquisition of meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: cluster randomised crossover trial 作導讀,編輯(Mark H Wilcox, professor of medical microbiology)很認真的找了很多相關的資料,來探討這個相關的議題。


      以荷蘭來說,MRSA Screening降低了MRSA的移生和感染的比率,但是在英國,MRSA的流行讓隔離病房的需求供不應求,這使得MRSA和其他抗藥性菌株的控制難上加難。



     接下來是實施的點,入院時篩檢還是出院時篩檢呢? 出院時篩檢可以知道MRSA移生的狀況,是並沒有辦法改善感染,已經知道病人有MRSA並不能延長病人出院的時間也不能解決這些病人被慢性照護機構所排除的狀況,況且將這些病『標籤化』還會造成病人的不安和法律的問題。在缺乏強烈的證據支持要全面篩檢的狀況下,英國衛生部還是要求所有的一般住院病人在2009年五月前要有MRSA的篩檢,緊急入院的病人則要盡快實施。


    根據英國衛生部在2008年1月發布的The Health Act 2006: Code of practice for the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections(這裡面包含的真是包羅萬象,值得大家去看),裡面的第16頁

l. Control of infections of specific alert organisms
The policy should make provision for:
• admission screening, which should include screening of all elective admissions by March
2009 and provision for screening of emergency admissions at presentation as soon
as is practical;
• decontamination procedures for colonised patients;
• isolation of infected or colonised patients;
• transfer of infected or colonised patients within NHS bodies or to other
healthcare facilities; and
• antibiotic prophylaxis for surgery.

     檢驗的方式有兩種,快速檢驗法(一般大概2-4小時)和傳統的培養法(一般需要至少24 小時),一般來說,如果不能及時的知道MRSA的結果,可能會增加病菌傳播的機率,也有一些研究去研究快速檢驗法的時效性,在本期的BMJ中,Jeyaratnam團隊用的方法顯示快速檢驗的方法和傳統的檢驗方法一樣並不能改善MRSA的傳播狀況,不適當的管控措施會降低快速檢驗的效率,而快速檢驗法本身的花費也較高。



       最後作者認為適當嚴格執行的感管措施還是降低MRSA感染的最佳方式,由英國The Health Protection Agency (HPA) 所公布的資料顯示,最近在英國的MRSA血流感染有降低的趨勢

MRSA bloodstream infection figures – a summary of cases reported under mandatory surveillance in England

Quarter Number of MRSA bacteraemia reports
April 2006 – June 2006 1742
July 2006 – September 2006 1651
October 2006 – December 2006 1543
January 2007 – March 2007 1447
April 2007 – June 2007 1304
July – September 2007 1072


Quarterly Reporting Results for Clostridium difficile Infections and MRSA Bacteraemia. April 2008

      至於英國用什麼方法降低MRSA的血流感染呢,在Jeyaratnam的文章裡面有提到:洗手、戴手套、拋棄式隔離袍、小心拋棄所有可能汙染的物品、隔離MRSA的病人,隔離措施必須把病人置於病房的一角或是指定區域,篩檢出MRSA的病人必須開始採用去移生的方式,這些方式包括使用chlorhexidine的清潔劑,如果是對mupirocin 有敏感性的,使用mupirocin藥膏,已經發生移生的傷口用povidone iodine 或是silver sulphadiazine 的方式處理,篩檢出MRSA陽性的病人必須每周再篩檢一次,直到連續三次陰性為止,如果選擇性入院手術病人在入院前已知MRSA篩檢為陽性的,延後住院到轉變為陰性(經過治療或其他方式)為止,如果病人從高風險的地方入院(安養中心、過去曾經是MRSA帶菌者、轉院、或其他醫院的高風險區域)則採取隔離及完全照護的原則,直到結果是陰性為止。

     從BBC ABC Times的報導指出英國衛生部從2007年9月開始全面禁止醫師戴項鍊、戒指、領帶、禁止穿長袖衣物和白袍,同時醫院也採取更嚴格的管制措施以降低MRSA和Clostridium difficile的政策,看來效果果然卓著,當然禁止醫師穿白袍不是唯一的方法,但是似乎是個不錯的政策選擇之一,要禁止所謂的『菁英族群』放棄職業象徵的意義其實並不簡單,從BMJ上有很多人投稿討論這個問題就知道這不是一個很容易實施的政策,但從公共衛生層面的角度看來,公共衛生的始祖國家--英國政府對於抗藥性問題採取的方式卻十分積極,不是只消息宣導和收集資料分析的資料,更主動出擊,要求醫院要確實遵守相關的規定。的確,要降低Superbug的方式絕對不是只有單靠醫院政策就可以辦得到的,可能還需要有政府和政策面強力的介入才行。



1. Screening for MRSA- BMJ (ID 必看)

2. Impact of rapid screening tests on acquisition of meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus: cluster randomised crossover trial (ID必看,他的研究方法很不錯)

3. MRSA in Healthcare Settings-CDC 

4. British Guidelines for the control and prevention of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in healthcare facilities


